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Dobble Debate

Dobble Debate is an umbrella project that uses games,
humour and imagination to promote discussion and education
about dis- and differing abilities.
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About Us

Dobble Debate is an umbrella project that uses games, humour and imagination to
promote discussion and education about dis- and differing abilities.

Our History

In January 2014, an analogue card game was conceived as a means to explore ideas and issues related to various physical and mental dis- and differing abilities.

Research Initiatives

Educational and methodological innovation, gameplay strategies, co-creation and
augmented reality are our current research directions.

Acknowledgements & Gratitude


We would like to express our sincere thanks to the following organizations and people for their ongoing support of the project:

eCampusOntario, Virtual Learning Strategy and the Government of Ontario, along with the all of our community co-creators, allies and team members.

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Government of Canada

OCAD University, in particular the staff of the Research Office past and present—
Melissa Golberg, Samantha Leggett, Robert Luke, Christine Cristol, Helmut Reichenbächer, Heather Robson, Greg Singer and Leila Talei

Concordia University and the Technology, Art and Games Lab

Tirtha Prasad Mukhopadhyay and Reynaldo Thompson of the University of Guanajuato

Additionally we would like to thank:
Jackie Calderwood of the Disruptive Media Learning Lab, University of Coventry;
Pablo Gobira of the Lab|front of the Universidade do Estado de Minas Gerais;

Fiona Moola of Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital;

The Polish version of the game has been supported by Jadwiga Charzynska & her staff at the Centre for Contemporary Art Laznia—translation by 
Piotr Świercz with graphic design adaptation by Justyna Mazur.



Download the Card Game

Our card game is open source and available for download. Please fill out the form below and we will send you a link to download the card images so that you can print your own set.

About Dobble Debate

Dobble Debate is an umbrella project that uses games, humour and imagination to promote discussion and education about dis- and differing abilities.

Dobble Debate © 2019